Statue in bronzo

Statue in bronzo

Cell. 347 8536226 - 347 0936764 - 347 5753967


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LB 54 BR - Giulio Cesare Imperatore Romano h. cm. 76 - Busto in bronzo.

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LB 117 BR - Costantino Imperatore Romano h. cm.  70 - Busto in bronzo.

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LB 84 BR - Adriano Imperatore Romano h. cm. 53 - Busto in bronzo.

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LB 98 BR - Gandhi h. cm. 50 - Busto in bronzo.

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LB 38 BR - Ramesse II h. cm. 58 - Busto in bronzo.

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LB 41 BR - Atena Lemnia h. cm. 43 - Busto in bronzo.

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LB 43 BR - Atena Farnese h. cm. 67 - Busto in bronzo.

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LB 108 BR - Omero h. cm. 64 larg. cm 45 - Busto in bronzo.

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LB 102 BR - Papa Giovanni Paolo II (Papa Wojtyla) h. cm. 103 - Busto in bronzo. Ordina ora

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LB 165 BR - Papa Benedetto XVI (Papa Ratzinger) h. cm. 105 - Busto in bronzo. Ordina ora

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LB 198 BR - Papa Francesco (Papa Bergoglio) h. cm. 62 - Busto in bronzo.

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LB 203 BR - Papa Giovanni Paolo II (Papa Wojtyla) h. cm. 81 - Busto in bronzo. Ordina ora

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LB 19 BR - Caracalla Imperatore Romano h. cm. 68 - Busto in bronzo.

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LB 59 BR - Dante h. cm. 40 - Busto in bronzo.

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LB 11 BR - Traiano Imperatore Romano h. cm. 72 - Busto in bronzo.

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LB 23 BR - Nerone Imperatore Romano h. cm. 73 - Busto in bronzo.

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Statue in bronzo

Statue in bronzo

Tel. 011 9251369 - Cell. 347 0936764 - Cell. 347 5753967


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